The Graduation Day Ceremony was conducted in the World Peace Dome on 6th April 2024.
The event commenced with the Graduation March where the students of DP 2 proudly filed in front of the parents, as well as the SMT and teachers.
Once everyone was seated, we began with the World Peace Prayer, which for the first time in Gurukul History was led by a student, Master. Siddhant Nakul and supported by Mr. Omkar on the harmonium. This was the highlight of the event.
The World Peace Pray was followed by welcoming everyone present with a Saraswati Vandana by the DP 1 Students Shrey Katariya and Kristina under the tutelage of Mrs. Arti Belpathak. This was followed by the lighting of the lamp where we invited a grandparent of one of the DP 2 students to do the honours. This was followed by the Oath-taking ceremony which was delivered by Associate DPC Ms. Jaya Shahi.
We then started with beautiful speeches by the Valedictorians: Ms. Riana Verma, Master. Mustufa Masalwala, Master. Siddharth Nakul. We took a break with a medley of songs performed by the DP 1 students. We then continued with the speeches by Master. Siddhant Pallod, Master. Raj Khemlani, and Ms. Pragya Mittal.
The program went further with a beautiful rendition of the Merry-go-round of Life on the Piano by Master. Kabir Buttan from DP 2, followed by an inspiring speech by the Head of the School, Mr. I Venugopal, who acknowledged the students’ hard work and shared the lessons he had learned from our founder Revered Dr. Vishwanath D Karad Sir’s way of living and vision.
The program from that point was interspersed with the distribution of the citations of honour and singing performances led by the DP 2 students with Master Nakul Siddharth singing a solo by George Erza “The Shotgun” was supported by Master Siddhant Pallod, Master Pranam Pandey, and Ms. Naina Fernandes on the instruments. The amazing performance by “The Freeways” was led by Ms. Megan Vibhute, Ms. Aleesha Nair, and Master Aadi Karanavat of DP 2 accompanied by Master Shivam Gupta from DP 1 on drums. The last electrifying performance that got everyone’s foot tapping was by DP 2 favourite band with the lead singers Master Siddharth Nakul and Ms. Alaina Verma, accompanied by Master Siddhant Pallod and Master Pranam Pandey on the guitars and Ms. Naina Fernandes of DP 1 on drums.
Mr. Arpit Sharma, the Vice-principal was then invited to share his words of encouragement with the graduating batch, and the program ended on a high note with a culmination of a farewell video put together by the DP 2 teachers.
By Ms. Sneha Bhatt